Royal assassin
by Darwin kastle
A wise cracking detective finds himself in a magical world where he must solve a royal murder just to survive!
Marcus Cain is a private investigator who caught the wrong person having an affair: his wife.
Not ready to face his daughter with the news, he starts another investigation that unexpectedly leads him to an entirely different world. It’s like ours in many ways, but it’s a world of swords and spells, not cars and computers.
Marcus just wants to go home to his daughter, but the only way back involves solving the king’s murder while avoiding getting killed in the process. With assassins and royal intrigue at every turn, Marcus must use his gun and his wits to solve the case and find his way home.
About Darwin
Darwin Kastle is a writer, game designer and part-owner of the tabletop game company Wise Wizard Games. Royal Assassin is his debut novel.
Darwin lives in Massachusetts with his amazing wife, three rambunctious dogs and an adorable cat named Nea.